Filmmaker Prakash Jha has filed a case against those illegally screening his recently released film Rajneeti in Jaipur on Tuesday. The film was screened for Rajasthan BJP MLAs using a pirated DVD.
The state unit of BJP, which has holed up its legislators in a five-star resort on the outskirts of the state capital for a few days to keep them united ahead of Rajya Sabha election, now faces this new trouble after screening the film based on politics of coalition and horse trading.
Jha has filed a case against BJP MLA RS Rathore and the hotel owner.
As if the distrust of MLAs was not enough of an embarrassment to the party, it now stands accused of flouting law. To keep the legislators busy, the party had decided to screen the film Rajneeti, which gained some relevance to the political situation in the state. In the process, it screened a pirated DVD of the movie.
Reacting to the lawmakers' illegal act, filmmaker Prakash Jha told Headlines Today, "This is most abhorring that how lawmakers are the first lawbreakers. I am absolutely dismayed and shattered that the film which has just been released is being screened in such an illegal manner."
"It is hardly one-and-a-half weeks old and this is how blatantly law of land is broken by the same people who are lawmakers. We will take appropriate action against the hotel and the people who have seen the film in this manner. We will be definitely taking legal action against them," Jha added.
But when questioned, the BJP leaders came up with an absurd defence. MLA Digamber Singh said, "I don't know anything. Only hotel management can say about it. But I think when movies release, DVDs are also there in the market so there is nothing unlawful about it."
To dispel this false notion of the BJP leader, Headlines Today double checked with the manager of a multiplex in Jaipur to find out if indeed the official DVDs of the film had been released in the market.
However, the manager of Entertainment Paradise, Murari Lal Sharma, said, "Rajneeti has been released only for screening in cinema and multiplex in Jaipur and if someone watches this on CD or DVD, it is illegal."
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